Monday, May 11, 2015

May, my favorite month

There is a lot of hope in April, with Easter (usually) celebrated, spring rains, February ten months away (longest, shortest month ever!) But May is the real deal in the North Country. We can pretty much bet on May being nice weather, having a few daffodils or tulips in our yards and the sun pressing down more closely on us when we venture out to get the mail.

I love May.

I love the three different types of lilacs I have in my new yard, the birdbath that gets lots of use from the wide range of birds we now see. I love the brook that I can hear from the far end of our long porch all day babbling and dancing over haphazardly placed rocks. I love the baby snapping turtles we keep finding and the frogs. I love the willows. The. Willows. The ones I dreamed about a year ago....they're here, and they're real. They brush the tops of the old fence posts in our back yard where acres and acres of field stretch out toward I don't know where. I love the rock wall in the front of our house covered in Creeping Charlie weed vines. I love the two huge cherry trees with dark reddish purple blossoms and the ten apple trees in the long side yard buzzing with bumble bees. I love the hills across the road that echo the sounds of hoof beats as the neighbor’s horses come galloping over to the fence line hoping my girls will come and feed them the "sweeter" grass on the other side of the fence. I love the massive old maples and oaks in our front yard that fill with robins and sparrows and redwing blackbirds each morning. I love coffee with Andy in our red Adirondack chairs that were left here when we moved in. I love reading God's word with him as we take in our surroundings...we're awe struck again and again, thankful and willing to use these gifts in any way God wills. Enjoying ever new sunrise, every drop of rain on our tin roof, ever pile of raked up leaves and sticks in our yard, every late night bonfire, every meal eaten on the picnic table and the ten million 'little red wagon' rides we've given to our also awe struck children.

We're thankful.

But even before this favorite month of May, April was a time of celebration and memories. Birthday's and piano recitals, Italian lessons, Easter Sunday breakfast and chocolate and church, friends and family, quiet times and some loud too. I loved April this year and I thank God for the people He's placed in my days to fill each month with joy, love, learning and His ever present grace.

Easter morning at home.

Easter afternoon at Mema and Papa's.

Natalie's birthday breakfast.
Cake prep.  Pink frosting, of course.

New birthday shoes.

New birthday books to read before bed.

Coloring the Italian flag before dinner.

Another birthday in April.  Simon's 1st birthday breakfast.

 And 1st Tonka truck

Waiting for daddy to finish the weed wacking so they can play on the swing set.

I read this book just about every year.  I thoroughly enjoy it every time.  Great inspiration for any season of Home schooling.

A replica of a Lynx habitat.

 My homemade lemonade perfect for the hot weather we've been blessed with this May.

Daddy surprised us with a Friday off giving us a nice extended weekend compelete with water gun fights, kickball and a tent sleepout! 

Mr. Cool.


Thursday, April 2, 2015


It's hard to imagine it's been 8 months since I've been on Facebook.  Consider me out of the loop!  If I bump into you and ask how you are, it's because I really don't know!  But, as hard as it is to search for a phone number or email address rather than just Facebook message an old friend I have enjoyed my time of quiet living.  It's good for me.

Where do I begin?  So much has happened in the past 8 months.
I suppose a photo dump is my best bet. 

First things first, we bought a house!!  Yes that's my husband on the roof shoveling off snow. 
We moved in the middle of December.  It was snowy and cheerful and new!

I believe this is my only picture from Christmas time.  What a rush to get things settled before the big Christmas celebration!




My little window washers. 

Fun outside!  Sledding... into THE BROOK!!!

A warmish day (25 degrees)

When we bought the house a lovely piano came with it for a great price!

Sometimes winter is too cold to play outside.  So bring the snow inside!!

Lots of school work accomplished....most days.

A quiet place to think and journal

Get used to it buddy. 

Right by our porch this incredible bird pecked a hole!  What an amazing time we had watching him.

My Little Pony card game

He said it was for the girls to play with...but I knew better.

Of course they still had a blast!!

Claire walked into the dining room wearing daddy's work clothes.   We laughed and laughed. 

Sometimes there is so much splashing from this little man an umbrella is in order.

Matching  pj's?  My two boys.  <3

We celebrated a girl in February. 

And quietly at that.  We all had colds and had to postpone the real birthday celebration.

Helping mommy again, with laundry this time!

And it looks like he's trying to help daddy build a fire now too.

Quiet time means sewing, reading, light bright or resting.  These two are willing participants of quiet time.

We laughed at how big HE is and how tiny SHE is!!

Trying to occupy this boy for a few minutes...isn't always easy.

Caught them in the middle of some good imaginative play.

This has been a winter of soups.  The kids love it.  So do I!

Coloring time.


Blowing eggs to make Easter birds!

OH yes!  At ten months he started walking!  What a gem!

Enjoying a book with daddy.  Except Simon who seems to have given up! HA!

Laughter.  We do it a lot here. 

So that's what life has looked like for the past 8 months.  It's been lovely and new, exciting and difficult at times.  But we are finding our groove in this new home and praying blessings on all who enter in.  We are thankful for God's good gifts.