Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Three busy children, one active home schooler, a husband who is out of the house for 15 hours straight and a mama who made it through her first trimester, yet again.  Hello life!

I'm serious, I didn't think I'd live through a fourth, first trimester.  Here I am 15 weeks pregnant and smooth sailing.  For a time at least.  I'll take it.  In fact, now I am enjoying it!  I've felt a few little flips of the mystery babe and immediately stopped and gasped. then smiled. then closed my eyes and thanked Jesus.  What a gift.  What a reward.  What a surprise.  And then the thought quietly passes through my mind...*Me?  For me?  Wow.*  I am truly thankful to be protecting your creation Lord.  You are one mighty God! 

My memory verse for the first trimester of pregnancy.  Isaiah 40:11
"He tends his flock like a shepherd:  He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young." 

"He gently leads those that have young..." 

So what else is new. 

We're behind in school but my heart is light and I know many important lessons have been taken away from the past three months of reading and re-reading Thornton Burgess Animal Adventures on the couch and eating PB&J's for lunch and dinner. 
My little women are growing to love each other more and more every day and it honestly rocks to be able to trust their decisions concerning each other enough to take a shower without concern or to have a phone conversation knowing they'll serve one another and for the most part play fair. 
So obviously this isn't ALL the time, but I can say with a clear conscious that those three girls are the best of friends and rarely start pecking matches that aren't quickly dissolved. 
On that girly note.  My heart is telling me this pear sized baby within, is a boy.  Just a hunch, no proof.

Things are feeling quiet and more organized now that I'm officially myself again.  Although we're a few chore charts away from bringing order back full swing I know we'll get there and with joyful hearts to boot!