Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What's Happening

I figure I really only have a few minutes to blog until a small child wakes from a nap and/or two other little girls decide their play time is over.  I have so many things to say so I'm going to just jump right in. 

What's on my mind lately? 
A boy.  I feel like I'm about to be a mommy for the first time.  Knowing a little boy will soon be living within these walls still leaves me speechless, grateful and yes very excited.  Although I still look at baby boy clothes with an "Oh these are cute, I wonder who I should give them to?  Oh wait, I'M GOING TO NEED THEM!" mindset.  Andy's joy really helps ease my silly thoughts of how drastically different I feel this adventure will be. 

Andy.  How to describe a man so devoted, so focused, so God fearing and ready to walk the path of righteousness?  I am humbled by his direction and comforted by his forever forgiving attitude.  I mean, somebody pinch me please!  This guy is something else.  Thank you Jesus for this leader in our home. 
                                                  Obviously this was taken last summer.

Grandpa Andy.  I have yet to blog about this amazing man.  Actually, to be honest I did twice.  I just couldn't post it or do anything but save it for me.  Too many memories to write and with words I do not have.  What I can say is this.  I was blessed to be able to spend the last eight years living only miles away from him and my grandmother.  My children were able to spend countless hours enjoying his company.  Him and I talked politics lightly (for my sake) just about every time we were in the same room.  He was the most pro-life man I have ever met.  His heart was for the unborn and he prayed for them daily with my grandmother.  He was an electrician, a two-term Franklin County Legislator, a former town of Bangor justice for several years, husband of 57 years, father of five, an honest, straight forward, lover of Jesus! 
I was there when he died.  I was able to hold his hand and hear him say "I love you" for the last time. 

Oh and he danced.  He danced and danced and danced.  It didn't matter if it was a wedding or just a good old bluegrass song on a Sunday afternoon.  He danced. 

Andrew Jackson Barney - September 17, 1931 - November 26, 2013

Tips Tricks and Favorites. 
A few wonderful women have posted some of their tips and tricks and I have been meaning to do the same.  In no particular order and with no personal camera (Andy dropped it) here are some things I do/own/know about that might (but probably not likely) help you. 

Local Thrift Stores.  Use them!  I have saved A LOT of money  buying used for myself, my husband and the kids.  Clothes, jewelry, home decor, winter apparel.  Totally worth it, and totally fun!  Some stores will give store credit in exchange for donations.  I mean really, why not take adventage of this?

Freihofer's Bakery Outlet Canton.  Bread, bagels, muffins, donuts all at a fraction of the original price.  Oh and there is a Flea Market in the same plaza as the outlet.
Favorite rolling pin.  Straight Rolling Pin
Skin care.  We use grape seed oil.  There is some serious sensitive skin in this family so lotion doesn't usually sooth dry skin like it might the average person.  Grape seed oil does the trick!
Home school Game - Great States!  A fun game we play when history lessons are few and far between.  This game was found in a garage sale by my thrifty aunt who gave it to me.  It was a wonderful find!  Amazon still sells it but it's a new version and ours is the old one so I do not know what the more recent game is like. 
Marriage - Andy and I have always written notes to each other.  In fact I have a huge binder FULL of large and small notes written on anything from actual paper to the back of an old bill.  I recently went through some shelves of pictures and books to dust and reorganize when I came across our wedding guest book, well a lot of people forgot to sign ours and only a few pages were filled.  It was Cassidy's idea to use the rest of the pages to write back and forth with daddy so that we wouldn't keep accumulating loose paper in our messy "love binder".  What a great idea! 
Not very many amazing ideas here, I'm sure as time goes on I'll come up with more to share. 
Nap time is over, play time is ready for redirection and dishes have piled up since lunch.  Time to get back to mommy-ing.