Saturday, March 1, 2014

One Week Alone.

I couldn't just sit around waiting for him to return, I had to do something.  Something that needed to be done, something that might surprise the man of the house. 

So I did this. 

                                    A small house means duel purpose rooms.  Baby room/computer room.      

                            Just what I was looking for. 
                      Another flea market find. 

That's it.  Fresh paint, trim, curtains and rods, painted shelves, hung pictures.  Welcome baby Simon, we're already thinking of you. 

Special Number Nine

I'm a little late with this post, her birthday was February 15th. 

She turned nine.

I still think she could have only just turned seven. 

She is growing in stature and maturity.

Her conscience is strong.

Her love for others is immense.

She listens well.  Most of the time. 

She loves when I sit on her bed late at night and just talk/listen to her.  She told me she likes telling me her story's more than any of her friends.  I will cherish the moments she would rather tell me her secrets.

She's so very concerned with the well-being of her little sisters.  She suggests I do something special with them on Friday's while she is at her Friday enrichment program.  Never worried that she will miss out on a fun event, just wanting her siblings to be blessed. 

She's shy. 

Doesn't like to read aloud in front of anyone but us. 

Public school would say she is behind academically, but I know better.  I have a vision for her future, one she is unaware of.  I plant seeds in her around this vision I was given knowing someday they will be used for His glory. 

She can be stubborn.

She can snap a comeback in seconds, sometimes witty sometimes discipline worthy. 

She's sensitive and attentive to others feelings. 

She loves animals more than I can understand. 

She's naturally modest and has no desire to wear clothing that shows her off. 

She's talented but not in a way that anyone would notice.  A quiet type of gifting was given to her. 

She is Nine. 

We love her.  So very much. 

                                         Sewing an apron for Claire.

                                         Loving the family pets.
                                         Fun at Mema and Papa's last summer.  Best friends for sure.

A little birthday celebration with friends.


 Natalie peeking through the yummy treats for later.  Self-control little one, self-control.