Lost in the swirl of pregnancy and preparations, in little boy sweaters and socks of blue, of math lessons and Explode The Code pages, of toddler tantrums and almost four year old independence, of a husband with a relatively new job and hours that suit our family just great.
Lost in a new baby and desperately trying to spend as much time as possible staring at him, knowing he won't be a new baby forever. Lost in nine (Yes NINE) totes full of spring and summer clothes for girls. Lost in cleaning and picking up after I clean, in keeping floors a little bit swept up but not obsessing over it. Lost in prayers for growing children with new attitudes and never really knowing the right time to sooth or to scold then going with my first instincts praying all the while, whether I am speaking to correct or to empathize that God would cover my mis-spoken words.
Lost in shorts and tank tops, in the smell of sunscreen and sandals. Lost in windows open and fans blowing, in paper plates and simple dinners, in a lawn mowing husband and grass covered feet. Lost in sleepless nights and early mornings, in coffee and time to read only one or two verses of scripture before I am interrupted by a need. Lost in patience simply because there really is no other way to get through the day. Lost in picture taking and potty training in family time and quiet time and finding the balance between the two.
Lost in Gods timing and small voice telling me to
take it slow, enjoy the moments. Lost in him, right in the middle, surrounded by his grace and loving shoulder to cry on when the days seem long and I feel unworthy of this mothering thing. Lost in his answer to my prayers for clearer thinking and extra bursts of energy.
Just taking it slow, enjoying the moments.